Saturday 31 August 2013

We are Maths Masters in KLS!

We have been doing lots of amazing work in Mathematics this term and so, we wanted to share some of our learning.

Multiplication & Division 
We have been learning about 'groups of'. We discovered that one number can be made in lots of different ways. For example, with 12 paddle pop sticks we can make 3 groups of 4, 2 groups of 6, 1 group of 12, 12 groups of 1, 4 groups of 3 or 6 groups of 2. We also learnt that division means sharing. When we share between 2 people, even numbers have none left over and odd numbers always have left overs. Even numbers are the numbers we say when we count by 2's.

Addition & Subtraction 
We played some different games to help us with adding and subtracting. Maybe you can try some at home with us! We used dominoes to help us add numbers. First we had to work out how many dots on one side of the domino without counting and then using our 'count-on' strategy, add the dots on the other side. To help us with our take away skills, we got 10 blocks each and rolled a die. The number on the die told us how many blocks to take away and then we had to figure out how many left over. We also played this game using 20 blocks.

Volume & Capacity 
We had fun learning about volume and capacity. One of the activities we got to do was build a tower to see whose was the tallest, shortest or widest? Through our exploring we realised that some materials were better to use than others.

Sunday 4 August 2013

What else changes?

After our chicks sadly left us at the end of week 2, we continued to look at what other things change. KLS 1 explored how colours change. In the photos below we see how students became artists and experimented with paint to discover what happens when two colours are mixed together. They found out that two primary colours, such as blue and red, make a new colour - purple. What other examples do you know?

KLS 2, on the other hand, took on the role of gardeners. In small groups they planted a bean in a clear cup, and added cotton wool and water. Unlike when we plant seeds in the garden, planting them in a clear cup has enabled us to observe the seed as it changes and grows.

Some of our observations and questions so far have included:

"The bean changed colour from brown to green."

"There is a white string growing out of our bean." 

"Is it a sprout or a root?" 

"The white string has grown longer and now another one has started to grow as well."

"Is our bean going to grow as tall as the beanstalk in 'Jack and the Beanstalk'?"