Tuesday 30 April 2013

Welcome back to Term2

Welcome back to a new and busy Term 2.

Farm Reminder
  • All notes to be returned by this Thursday 3rd May
  • Please ensure that any medication that your child may need in the case of an emergency is with your child on the day of the excursion
  • Please remember to read your farm note to ensure that your child wears the correct uniform and that they bring their correct bag and food.
New Learning
Our Inquiry topic this term is all about the question "What is Life?"

Today we had to record what we already know about this question and if we didn't know anything then we had to record what we think it might mean. We all had so many different ideas and we would like to share some of them with you.....

As you can see we all have different ideas. We are looking forward to sharing our new discoveries as we begin to ignite, explore and investigate our question even further. Maybe you might like to add a comment about what you think Life is???

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