Friday 31 May 2013

Partners of Ten

This week we have been learning about addition. We have used different types of concrete materials such as counters, paddle pop sticks, tens frames and numicon shapes to explore all the different ways that we can make ten.

Here are some of our combinations using our Numicon Frames:-

             5 and 5 makes 10

                6 and 4 makes 10 or
                4 and 6 makes 10
               9 and 1 makes 10    or
               1 and 9 makes 10

               7 and 3 makes 10 or
               3 and 7 makes 10

                2 and 8 makes 10 or
                8 and 2 makes 10

This week KLS1 learned a new EMU warm-up game called 'Roll and Collect'. This games helped us with our addition skills and finding ways to count on or simply count using a quicker way. 

How to play:
We play roll and collect in pairs. 
Each pair has a bundle of paddle pop sticks, counters or other concrete materials as well as one dice. During this game Miss Tomasic is the time keeper and gives us one minute to complete this taks. 
The task is that within one minute, each pair continously takes turn to roll a dice and then collect that many objects. Once time is up, each partner counts how many objects they have altogether. Some students count by 1's, some are beginning to count by 2's. 

Maybe we could play together at home???

Today (4/6/13) Our task was to explore how we could use two die to add numbers together. 
Well we discovered that if we rolled the dice we could use the two numbers to create an addition number sentence. For example if we rolled the above numbers we could record that 6 and 5 makes 11 AND we could count on too. Instead of counting every dot one by one, we could start with the number 6 and count on the other 5 by saying, 7, 8, 9, 10,11. How amazing are we???

Take a look at us hard at work...

How amazing are we?????

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